Welcome to the ARTBeat website! Click on one of the buttons above to explore. :)
ARTBeat is a RHS Student Congress Committee that celebrates the talented young adult musicians and artists in Ridgewood High School and Ridgewood community at large.
The committee is currently led by co-presidents Jake Rubenstein, Tammi David, and Saori Takahashi (Class of 2021). In the past years, ARTBeat was led by founding leaders Sophia Swanson and Jack Shigeta (Class of 2019).
April 29th, 2021
As of now, ARTBeat members have uploaded the second episode in their Harlem Renaissance podcast series. The Sublime virtual gallery has been updated with new artworks from RHS students. We recently announced that ARTBeat 2021, our live, in-person concert, will be take place on June 1st at the Kasschau Memorial Bandshell. Follow our Instagram page (@ridgewoodartbeat) for more updates!
The ARTBeat Album
Simultaneous to the Ridgewood ARTBeat 2019 bandshell event, many talented student musicians worked with ARTBeat and the RHS Recording Studio to produce the 2019 ARTBeat Album.
Click here to listen to the album!
The ARTBeat Podcast
Learn more about the RHS art scene through interviews with students and teachers. Content deals with arts school applications, art movements, and more!
Click here to view our podcast episodes!
Virtual Sublime Gallery
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ARTBeat unfortunately was unable to host our annual Sublime art gallery in person. Instead, we uploaded all the submissions into an online gallery!
Click here to view visit the gallery!
This Is: ARTBeat 2021
The This Is: ARTBeat 2021 Spotify playlist was created during quarantine to share the tunes current members are listening to.
Click here to check out our podcast episodes!
Sign-up Link
NOTE You must use a RHS email to access this form!
Social Media
Instagram @ridgewoodartbeat
Facebook Ridgewood Artbeat